Instructions, 17.08.1957 for translators of books on mathematic, mechanics, astronomy of the Foreign Literature publishers
Written rules, 01.07.1968(?)for authors of the "Mathematical encyclopaedia" articles and non-filled author's card
Directions for authorsof the papers submitted to Acta Informatica journal
Manuscript-slipof the Acta Informatica journal
Instructions, 01.02.1971for authors and typists of "Advances in Information System Science".
Information, 28.12.1971on revised classification system of "Computing Reviews"
Instructions to authorsof nine journals published by North-Holland Publishing Company
Rulesfor putting together bibliography in aticles and dissertations(GOST 7.1-76)
Listof symbols used in proofs correction
Letter, O. I. Aven->G. I. Marchuk, 13.01.1976on the subject of "System analysis" review collection
Instructions, 04.04.1977on preparing papers in final form for the IFIP-77 Congress
Article, 04.04.1977"Solution of Dirichlet Problem on a Simulated Parallel Processing System", illustrating the proof-reading rules
Instructions to authors, 10.05.1977submitting papers to IFIP/TC1 conference on quality software
Instructions to authors, 10.05.1977on appearance of papers (mathematics and informatics) by North-Holland
Instructions to authorsby IEEE in view of the new US copyright law
Rules for Referees, 30.11.1977by ACM
Suggestions for Referees, 30.11.1977of Communications of the ACM journal, Programing Languages department
Instructions to authors, 20.04.1977of thematic collected papers
Instructions to authorsby MFCS'77 symposium
Journal Information, 09.04.1979on "Computers in Industry" by North-Holland Publishing Company
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