The USSR Academy of Sciences
Transition to self-financing
Covering letter, L. V. Alyabieva->V. A. Koptyug, 22.09.1987
to the shorthand record of the USSR AS Presidium meeting on assigning additional means to AS departments
Shorthand Record, 22.09.1987
of the USSR AS Presidium meeting on assigning additional means to AS departments
Thesis, 22.09.1987
"Structre of financing of academic institutions"
Form, 22.09.1987
of financial and staff report for 1986
Principles, 22.09.1987
of preparaton and transition to the new financing plan
List, 22.09.1987
of fundamental science development programs
Order, 23.10.1987
On alteratons in view of the letter by SB AS Presidium on the procedure of wage fund allocation
Decision, 01.10.1987(?)
of Central Committee of the CPSU and USSR Council of Ministers "On putting scientific institutions on full self-supporting and self-financing basis"
Instruction, 01.11.1987(?)
"On a subject, staff, and fiancial structure of Institute"
Table, 01.11.1987(?)
Scheme of transition to the new plan of academic institutions' financing
Table, 01.11.1987
Structure of financing and research management in academic institutions in view of transition to self-financing

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