IIS: Foreign press accounts
Article, 01.07.2004(?)
"Two Russian computing archives" in the "IEEE Annuals of the History of Computing"
Article, 01.12.1997(?)-31.01.1998
"Russian partner key to Meridian 1 platform evolution" in weekly newspaper "Nortel World", Vol. 3, ¹ 10. The article is about successfull collaboration of XDS group(IIS) with Meridian 1 PBX compute platform team(Santa Clara, Calif., USA).
Article, 20.09.1995
"ICL recruits Russian know-how", September 20, 1995.
Article, 14.09.1995
"IPC turns to Siberia for help", "Computing" journal, September 14, 1995.
Article, 01.06.1991(?)-30.06.1991(?)
"Project START" in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 6, ¹ 34, June 1991; in "Soviet Computing" rubric.

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