Section of related articles dedicated to late G.A. Zvenigorodsky: "Gennady Zvenigorodsky". "Informatika" weekly newspaper, ¹30(367) Date: 08.08.2002- 15.08.2002 Original document language: russian Authors: Igor V. Pottosin, Yuri A. Pervin, Andrei Petrovich Ershov, Alexander Yu. Uvarov, Gennadi Anatolievich Zvenigorodsky, T. I. Tikhonova Organizations: "Informatika" newspaper ("Pervoe sentyabrya" Publishing House) Persons: Yuri A. Pervin, L. V. Gorodniaia, Alexander Yu. Uvarov, Nina A. Yunerman (Geyn), Yakov Il'ich Fet
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