Конгресс ИФИП-68
Представленные доклады
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к докладу "Optimization of a separation cascade of an indirect method". Автор - J.P. Croche Spinelly.
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к докладу "The Plurilingual "EUROTERM" Dictionaries". Авторы - F. Cuypers, S. Capobianchi.
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к докладу "Drawing Office Data Processing System". Авторы - F.G. Davies, I.W. MacDougall и др.
к докладу "The Need for Language in Concept Formation". Автор - A.V. Reader.
к докладу "The Continuity Index of Documentation Abstracts". Автор - B.-A. Lipetz.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Development of an experirnce with a set of library program for the IBM-1130". Автор - S.J. Kilpatrick, Jr.
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к докладу "Selective Dissemination of Information (S.D.I.) using a Large Scientific Computer". Автор - W.K. Aspinall.
к докладу "Two Algorithms for the Optimum Location of sub-matrices during the solution of wide-banded simultaneous equations". Автор - N.R. Kite.
Титульный лист
к докладу "The Simulation of the Human Hypnotist by a Teaching Machine". Автор -J.H. Clark.
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к докладу "A Computer-Assisted Anamnesis Experiment at the University of Liege". Авторы - M.-O. Houziaux, P. Lepebvre.
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к докладу "Generalized Computer Techniques for the Solution of Contfour-Map Problems". Автор - S.P. Morse.
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к докладу "The EURATON Automatic Indexing Project". Авторы - G. Fangmeyer, G. Lustig.
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к докладу "A mathematical reservoir engineering simulator". Автор - G. Canevet.
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к докладу "Surfaces for Computer-aided Design". Авторы - S.A. Coons, B. Herzog.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Computer Aided Logical Design Using a Symbol Manipulation Language". Авторы - A.D.C. Holden, L.F. Dieu.
к докладу "The RDS System for Automatic Information Retrieval in the Field of Iron and Steel Industry". Автор - A. Palazzi.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Non-supervised learning in Adaptive Statistical Pattern Recognition". Автор - P.W. Cooper.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Problem-oriented Computer Language as Tools for Simulating Engineering Processes". Авторы - B. Tamm, J. Pruuden.
к докладу "An Automating Constructing the Solutions of some Problems of Mathematical Physics by Electronic Computers". Авторы - V.L. Rvatchev. O.N. Litvin.
к докладу "On Automatic Construction of Equations of Complicated Geometrical Objects". Авторы - V.L. Rvatchev. L.I. Shkliarov.

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