Конгресс ИФИП-68
Представленные доклады
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к докладу "Control Design for Distributed Processes by Simulation". Автор - M.J. McCann.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Generalized Models and Transfer Functions for Information Display Systems". Автор - S. Sherr.
к докладу "NELINET - The New England Library Information Network". Автор - W.R. Nugent.
к докладу "Computer Control of a Mechanical ARM through Visual Input". Авторы - K.K. Pingle, W.M. Wichman.
к докладу "A Description-Controlled Pattern Analyzer". Автор - T.C. Evane.
Титульный лист
к докладу "An information System for computer aided design and manufacture". Автор - J.R. Lucking.
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к докладу "Planning for Management Information System Development". Автор - V.S. Middlebrook.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Calculation of the Guarantee Curve for a Dam by using H-D processing". Авторы - R.P. Trepat, R.C. Paskual.
к докладу "The integrated and automated system of the Euratom Library at Ispra". Авторы - A. Petrucci, W. Rittberger.
к докладу "Object-predicate Reciprocity and its Applications to Pattern Recognition". Автор - S. Watanabe.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Digital Construction of Holograms". Авторы - P.M. Hirsch, L.B. Lesem.
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к докладу "A Learning Machine with Monologue". Авторы - J.H. Andreae, P.M. Cashin.
к докладу "Evaluation of Tests in Weapon System Design Engineering by Means of a "Cost of Information" Model". Автор - L.W. Heinle.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Mapping of topological relations in diffuse neuronal nets". Автор - V. Drozen.
к докладу "Theoretic calculus of an optimal predictive control by the use of maximum principle of Pontryagin". Авторы - R. Mezencev, H. Apter.
к докладу "Some predictive optimal control of a steam generator". Авторы - Y. Thomas, J.-F. Le Corre, B. Chenevaux.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Analog Computation and Sampled Data Control Systems Analysis". Авторы - P. Laurent, C. Melin.
к докладу "EDACT - Engineering Drawings to Automatic Control Tapes". Авторы - W.S. Blaschke, K.R. Emerton.
Титульный лист
к докладу "MAGIC: Matrix Application to Genetic Indexing by Compression". Автор - R.D. Gee.
Титульный лист
к докладу "Some conclusions on the use of adaptive linear decision functions". Авторы - E.R. Ide, C.E. Kiessling, C.J. Tunis.

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