All-Union Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Schools
Second All-Union Conference in Programming
Author's notes
"Decision problems for graph schemata with permutational operators"
"Decision problems for graph schemata with permutational operators"
"On some properties of formal grammars"
"On one method of equivalence recognition in program schemata and discrete transformations"
"Modular programming system for Minsk-22 digital computer"
"Modular programming system for Minsk-22 digital computer"
"Modular programming system for Minsk-22 digital computer"
"Modular programming system for Minsk-22 digital computer"
"Main features of the programming system for Minsk-22 computer"
"Microprogramming automation system"
"Programming automation system based on minimal compatible COBOL"
"Software for statistical analysis of workin dynamics of M-220 registers an devices"
"Optimization of work programs in TAM-22T and TAM-32 compilers"
"Analysis of a time-sharing system's characteristics by imitation modelling"
"Analysis of a time-sharing system's characteristics by imitation modelling"
"A specialized administrative system ACS"
"On complex programs' structure"
"An operating system for control computer with small memory"
"An operating system for control computer with small memory"
"An operating system for control computer with small memory"

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