Editorial activity
Review, 10.05.1985
Review (revision), 03.01.1974(?)
of the paper by L.J. Karpman "Program Optimization on the Near-to-input Language Level"
Review, 01.03.1984
Review, 26.03.1984
Review with attachment, 07.05.1984
Review, 20.05.1984
Review, 21.05.1971
of the paper by V.A. Ananyin "Some formation and transformation rules for computational algorithms"
Review, 04.04.1972
of the paper by B.M. Kimelfeld "On Swapping Optimization in Two-level Storage"
Conclusion, 14.05.1986
Review, 11.02.1985
Review, 28.05.1986
Letter, A.P. Ershov->N.P. Semykin, 05.08.1986
Review, 12.08.1986
Review, 15.10.1986
Review, 25.10.1986
Review, 12.09.1987
Review, A.P. Ershov->V.A.Kirov, 18.04.1976

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