Lecture notes, 11.02.1953-20.05.1953 in mathematical statistics; 4th year
Lecture notes, 03.09.1952-10.12.1952(lectures 1-15) in grour theory; 4th year
Lecture notes, 20.10.1952-03.12.1952in finite-difference calculus; 4th year
Lecture notes, 10.02.1953-13.05.1953(lectures 16-29) in grour theory; 4th year
lecture notes, 05.09.1952-23.12.1952in socialist economics; 4th year
Seminar notes, 01.09.1952(?)-01.07.1953(?)in computational methods of linear algebra; 4th year
Seminar notes, 23.09.1952-21.02.1953in algebraic theory of contact schemata; 4th year
Lecture notes, 12.09.1952-30.03.1953(lectures 1-19); "Tabulating machinery" course; 4th year
Lecture notes, 03.09.1952-06.05.1953(lectures 27-54) in computation methods; 4th year
Lecture notes, 14.11.1952-15.05.1953(lectures 1-8) in the elements of mathematical logic; 4th year
Working notes, 01.09.1952(?)-01.07.1953(?)on the course in mathematical physics equations; 4th year
Lecture notes, 01.09.1949-29.10.1949in mathematical analysis (Prof. Tumarkin); 1st year
Lecture notes, 24.10.1949(?)-10.12.1949in mathematical analysis; 1st year
Lecture notes, 17.12.1949-20.12.1949in mathematical analysis; 1st year
Lecture notes, 09.02.1950-04.05.1950in mathematical analysis; 1st year
Lecture notes, 10.02.1950-12.05.1950in mathematical analysis; 1st year
Lecture notes, 06.05.1950-20.05.1950in mathematical analysis; 1st year
Lecture notes, 20.09.1950-16.12.1950in mathematical analysis (Prof. Tumarkin); 2nd year
Lecture notes, 13.02.1951-24.05.1951in differential equations (Prof. Nemytskiy); 2nd year
Lecture notes, 02.09.1951-14.05.1951in the basics of Marxism-Leninizm; 2nd year
Initial order | In alphabetical order | By date |