Addendum ¹6, 10.01.1984 to the Presidium's resolution of 10.01.84 - "Provision on the Siberian Center for the development of control systems and systems for data acquisition, processing and display
Invitation, A. S. Alekseev->A.P. Ershov, 18.01.1984to the meeting of the computerization section
Proposalsof the Computing Center to the Coordinating Committee of the Siberian Center for the development of control systems and systems for data acquisition
Agenda, 27.01.1984of the Subject committee meeting of 27.01.84
Decisions, 28.02.1984of the Subject Committee meeting of 28.02.84
Proposals, 20.03.1984of the Computing technology section of the Subject Committee on the draft of the integrated program of works coordinated by CRVSSOOIU (handwritten and typewritten drafts)
Noteson the subject "Development of a workstation for intellectual activity"
Explanatory note, 26.04.1984to the project of developing an information system on program specification tools
Proposals, 27.04.1984of the Computing technology section of the Subject Committee on the draft of the integrated program of works coordinated by CRVSSOOIU
Resolution, 28.05.1984Of SBAS Presidium "On expanding the staff of the Subject committee on automation, computer engineering, and instrument engineering"
Note, A.P. Ershov->Yu. A. Pervin, 15.11.1984with a personal errand (handwritten)
Working plan, 14.11.1984of the Subject committee on automation, computer engineering, and instrument engineering for 1984-1988, and up to 1990 (handwritten and typewritten copies)
1985 Reportof the Subject committee (handwritten)
Notification, E.V. Dvornikov->A.P. Ershov, 22.02.1985of the meeting planned for March 1985 and request to speak on one of the agenda topics
Agenda, 13.01.1986of the Subject committee meeting
Notewith brief information about Scientific council on automation, computer engineering and instrument engineering"
Working note"Creation of a range of brainworkers' workstations based on a professional new-generation personal computer" (handwritten and typewritten copies)
Draftof the integrated task-level program of the SB AS USSR on the problem "Architecture and basic software for advanced computer systems and intelligent workstations"
Covering note, V. E. Kotov->A.P. Ershovto the integrated task-leve program draft
Color photowith 3D graphic
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