List, 01.11.1987 (¹ 33) of technical reports of the Stanford University Computer Science Department.
Publication Order Forms, 01.11.1987for technical reports of the Stanford University Computer Science Department according to lists 33 and 34.
Letter with attachment, F. J. Buckley->A.P. Ershov, 15.12.1987
Statute, 25.12.1987
Schedule and Participants List, 01.01.1988(?)of the Soviet-American Symposium on Priority Trends of Fundamental Researches (Moscow, 11-01-1988).
Instruction with Attachment, 04.01.1988ACM Renewal Invoice Guide and this Invoice Guide itself.
Booklet, 11.01.1988"Spaso House" on residence of USA ambassadors in Moscow.
Letter with Attachment, A.A. Kokoshin->A.P. Ershov, 18.01.1988Covering letter for an informational report on the US National Science Academy, produced by the Institute for US-Canada Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and this report itself.
Card with Attachment, 20.01.1988Registration card accompanying a copy of S.Papert's telegram on possible dates of his arrival, and this copy itself. The back of the copy is marked by Ershov's notes.
Memo, A.P. Ershov->A. S. Alekseev, 10.02.1988on preparing documents for scientific cooperation with US and Finland specialists in the field of School Informatics.
Memo, B.G. Cheblakov->A.P. Ershov, 22.02.1988
Letter, E. H. Rice->A.P. Ershov, 02.03.1988The author was very pleased to meet with Ershov's staff and students in January and discusses travel plans of an American group for September. (2 copies of the letter.)
Letter, D. Glasgow->A.P. Ershov, 03.03.1988on "Holyearth Foundation" plans as to Novosibirsk travels for 1988 and plans of Kids to Kids Exchange.
Covering Letter, 21.03.1988for reports on activities of RAND's Institute for Research of Interactive Systems and on another RAND project.
Letter, E. H. Rice->A.P. Ershov, 02.05.1988on September 1988 computer professionals' trip to Moscow and Akademgorodok which the author will be leading.
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->D. Glasgow, 05.05.1988"Many thanks for your thoughtful letter. I'll be in Moscow May 23-June 10."
Teletype Message, S. S. Markianov->A.P. Ershov, 27.06.1988concerning themes of Soviet-American scientific collaboration in the field of "Education Methods".
Handwritten sketches, 08.07.1988prior to a Soviet-American discussion on "scientific methods in education".
Invitation and Information Kit, 25.07.1988The materials concern the IEEE Transnational Forum on Standards which was to be held in Reno, Nevada 17-21.10.1988.N
Initial order | In alphabetical order | By date |