Letter (hand-written)
Andrei Petrovich!
want to thank you sincerely for this
most unexpected invitation to such in
many respects
uncommon meeting of specialists. I like
the idea of this meeting very much,
although I have no clear
understanding of its possible concrete
results. Almost every question from the
preliminary list has
some philosophic hue – one can hardly
get unambiguous and final answer to them.
Among the
topics proposed the most close to me is
the topic 3. Of course, the way it’s
formulated it is equal to
the question “What to do with the
given mathematical problem?”, because
any problem apparently
can be considered as a special case of a
problem so general that its
undecidability would be
apparent. At the same time, decision
algorithms are sometimes so complex that
there is no sense in
applying them to a single problem.
it is already late to express my opinion
about the second list – the one of
invited to
participate, but I was very surprised by
the absence of Prof. Shanin’s name.
Together with his
teacher A.A. Markov (who, because of his
illness, most probably will not come) he
is a founder of
constructional approach in mathematics
– the approach that assumes as its
basis not the notion of set
but the notion of algorithm. Today there
are representatives of constructivism in
many countries
including the USA. Unfortunately (or
fortunately?) today’s constructivism
is represented by several
different schools, and the discussion of
perspectives and future development
directions of
constructive mathematics could become
one of the symposium’s topics. Among
invited Soviet
mathematicians, besides A.A. Markov, G.S.
Tseitin represents constructivism; among
foreign ones
the closest one to constructivism is S.C.
Kleene. Although N.A. Shanin tends to
overload his papers
with technical details, which seriously
complicates comprehension of his
presentations, Nikolai
Aleksandrovich always takes the most
lively part in discussions. I think it
will nbe a good idea to
invite N.A. Shanin to Urgench.
With best regards,