Instructions for Local Organizing Committee


                                         Urgench Symposium Preparation Memo


1.   Registration. Put a table in the hotel lobby in a place directly visible from the entrance. During
the registration period (Saturday 12.00 to Monday 12.00) the Organizing committee representative
must be either at the table or be available to the manager by phone at any time. I will bring
registration cards with me.


2.  Folders. A participant’s folder is handed over at registration. The set must contain the following

                 folder (much better with a zipper)

                 large notepad

                 small notepad

                 ballpoint pen (check that it writes)

                 a sharpened pencil


                 participant’s nametag

                 folding pointer (when folded looks like a pen).

A souvenir part is at your discretion. I hope it will be a badge. Maps are very popular (Khorezm
region, maps of the cities to be visited). Any other available tourist information.


3. Nametag. There is nobody in Novosibirsk to attend to making nametags. I am on vacation and a
person who could inquire into this question will be back only in the middle of August. I think here
in your institute they overestimate the difficulties of its making. In this letter I include a sample
made of washed X-ray or rotaprint film with the help of iron, puncher and scissors. The inside leaf
can be made of plain paper (as a last resort) but it will be better to put at the top, say, “Al-Khorizmi”
in Arabic and make rotaprint copies. The names will be later put in by hand with a soft-tip pen. We
will need about 70 such tags.


4. Lodging. Naturally, one must try to accommodate everybody in the best way, but if there is not
enough resources, I advice to use additional information on the guest’s statute. Quiet and shady
room is more important than a room with a view. The age is more important than titles. 


5. USSR participants’ statute (age is approximate)


                G.M. Adelson-Velsky, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 55

                Y.M. Barzdyn, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, 45

                A.P. Ershov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, AS corresponding  
member, symposium organizer, 50 (2 persons)

                Y.L. Ershov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, AS corresponding
 member, 40

                V.M. Glushkov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, vice-       
president, deputy, Lenin prize, 55

                S.V.Yablonsky, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, AS
corresponding member, Lenin prize, 55

                N.M. Nagorny, Ph.D., senior researcher, 59

                B.A. Trakhtenbrot, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, 60

                G.S. Tseitin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior researcher, 45

                Y.L. Manin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Lenin prize, 40

                Y.V. Matiasevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, 35

                E.H. Tyugu, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, 40

                V.A. Uspensky, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, 50

                N.N. Nepeivoda, Ph.D., senior researcher, 35

                O.B. Lupanov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, AS
corresponding member, Lenin prize, 50

                A.L. Semenov, Ph.D., associate professor, 35

                A.A. Letichevsky, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior researcher, State
prize, 45

                N.A. Shanin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, 60

                A.A. Samarsky, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, academician,
Lenin prize, 60

                S.Y. Maslov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, 45

                S.S. Lavrov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, AS corresponding
member, head of an institute, Lenin prize, 55


                                  Scientific Interpreters


                 V.E. Kotov, Ph.D., senior researcher, deputy director, 45 (2 persons)

                 S.B. Pokrovsky, junior researcher, 30

                 V.K. Sabelfeld, junior researcher, 30


                                    Foreign Participants


                 H. Zemanek, Dr., Prof., IBM Honored scientific worker, current IFIP president, key-note
speaker, 60 (2 or 4 persons, with children).

                 A. Buda, Ph.D., researcher, 35

                 M. Nivat, Dr., Prof., member of the “Theoretical Computer Science” journal editors, 45.

                 J. Vuillemin, Dr., Prof., 35

                 E. Gelenbe, Dr., Prof., 40

                 M. Paterson, Dr., Prof., President of the European Association for Theoretical Computer
Science, 40

                 D. Scott, Dr., Prof., Turing prize winner, 45

                 A. van Wijngaarden, Dr., Prof., head of an institute, Academician, 60

                 A. Kreczmar, Dr., associate professor. 35

                 A. Mazurkiewicz, Dr., Prof., 45

                 Z. Pawlak, Dr., Prof., deputy director, 50

                 V. Strassen, Dr., Prof., 40

                 J. Hopkroft, Dr., Prof., 45

                 R. Carp, Dr., Prof., 50

                 S. Kleene, Dr., Prof., Academician, 70

                 D. Knuth, Dr., Prof., Academician, Turing prize winner, symposium organizer (2

                 Z. Manna, Dr., Prof., 40

                 J. McCarthy, Dr., Prof., head of an institute, 50

                 I. Moskovakis, Dr., Prof., 45

                 F. Bauer, Dr., Prof., head of an institute, Academician, 60

                 H. Kaufman, Dr., Prof., 70

                 A. Barakat, Dr., head of an institute

                 J. Darlington, Dr., Prof., 35

                 E. Specker, Dr., Prof., 55.


6. Session Hall. To all appearances, the Oblispolkom small conference hall is quite suitable provided
it could easily accommodate up to 70 persons, it is not very stifling there, and windows have
curtains thick enough for good visibility during presentations with overhead projector. The speaker
place should be equipped with four non-bulky desks that can be easily arranged in different ways.
Two rostrums are necessary – one for speakers and one for an interpreter. It is better to get small
desk ones allowing speaker to stand at the desk besides projector. Behind a speaker there must be a
blackboard. One more blackboard should be situated in the lobby or in the patio – in short, in a place
where people will be gathering during breaks. We will need screens for overhead projector. A wall
can be used but it is better to find common screens for slide shows (1 m 70 cm wide). Two screens
are required: one for the hall and one for transparencies preparation. A screen must not overshadow
the blackboard. Besides, there must be a room for overhead projector. Extension cords and junction
boxes will be needed for projectors to connect them to wall outlets. It would be best if participants
could sit at the desks like in a lecture room.


7. Signs. In the hotel there must be a sign showing the way to the Organizing committee room. In
Oblispolkom signs showing the way to session site, Program committee room, speakers room,


8. Meals. Meals should be organized (breakfast and lunch), with fixed menu and scheduled.
Breakfast – from 7.00, lunch- from 12.30. Quickness is more important that variety of dishes. The
best way is to organize full board, charging participants straight off for breakfast, lunch and coffee
breaks (if necessary). Do not forget about soft drinks or at least just water (and also glasses) in
session hall and in workrooms. It is advisable to rent a refrigerator from the hosts and keep it


9. Coffee breaks. In the lobby or some other place adjacent to a session site tables with tea (green
and black), coffee, soft drinks, fruit and biscuits should be placed. During coffee breaks all snacks
and drinks must be free. If resources do not allow it, it is better to take charge for coffee breaks at
once as registration fee.


10. Workrooms. Two rooms near the session hall should be assigned. Program committee room
must have: a phone, a table for a shift PC member, two desks for two typewriters, a table for graphic

works, a bookcase for papers and stationary. Speakers’ room must have three tables, a sofa or a
couple of easy chairs with a coffee table.


11. Lavatories. Check especially for cleanness, water availability, supply of clean towels, good soap,
and toilet paper.


12. Devices and stationary.

                 2 blackboards

                 2 screens with supports and a place to hang on

                 Rags or sponges

                 Quality chalk

                 Cord, extension cord and junction boxes

                 Overhead projector (I will bring it with me)

                 Slide-projector with spare bulbs

                 Typewriter with Latin font

                 Typewriter with Cyrillic font

                 Spare typewriter ribbon




                 Gouache (for notices)

                 Brushes and drawing pens

                 Paper (1000 sheets)

                 Carbon paper (one pack)

                 Whatman paper (30 sheets)

                 Paper clips and good thumbtacks


                 Panels for information boards – 4


13. Information boards

                 1st board – at the hotel

                 2nd board for scientific program

                 3rd board for other announcements

                 4th board for tourist information, in particular:

                                  Map of Middle Asia

                                  Map of Khorezm region

                                  City maps of Urgench,






This list is not exhaustive and it contains nothing of minor importance. For the most part of the
scientists this symposium will be the first and maybe only occasion to get to know the region and its
people, so it is of great importance that all their impressions be the most favorable.


                                                                                                                                        A.P. Ershov




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