




I want to get acquainted with the theory of computation.
What literature can you recommend?



To Mr. J.McCarthy

Won't you agree that it is not a programmer who must 
"describe in a formal language the reason why the program should do this or that",
but instead this description should be formed by a computer based
on a computer/human dialog, the dialog being non-trivial on human side? 

Sure, why not.


On the subject of the conference decision-making

It seems to me important to stress in the resolution 
that the lack of a specialized journal on the subject 
of programming and computer software in our country 
substantially inhibits computing development. 
In my opinion, such a journal should be started in the form 
of pre-prints on the base of, say, Computing center of Siberian branch.
To be able to solve this and similar problems it is necessary 
to make standing programming and organizing committees in order
to gradually create a structure functionally similar to ACM in the USA.



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