Tomorrow in Urgench an
International symposium “Algorithms in
Modern Mathematics and its
Applications” dedicated to the great
Khorezm scientist Al-Khorizmi starts.
cordial greetings to the scientists, the
guests of Khorezm!
Forum at Al-Khorizmi Homeland
An interview with the
vice-chairman of Khorezm regional
executive committee Sh. Jabbarov
An International Symposium of
mathematicians set to begin tomorrow in
Urgench is a great cultural
event for the region.
Khorezm citizens are rightly
proud that many a remarkable cultural
and scientific figures lived and
worked on their land, the great Uzbek
mathematician Abu Abdullah Mohammed
Al-Khorizmi occupying an outstanding
position among them. They are proud that
his works have
replenished the treasury of world
Al-Khorizmi is an originator of a
fine mathematical school that was
actively functioning for two
centuries. His skillful pen yielded
outstanding works in mathematics that
immortalized their author’s
name. He is the author of the first
scientific manual called “A Concise
Book on Algebra and
Almukabala Calculus”. It is remarkable
that that the scientist cast in all his
creative work with life
and practice. Thus, in his foreword to
the manuscript mentioned above, he
noticed that this work is
addressed first of all to land surveyors
and irrigation canal builders.
Owing to Al-Khorizmi such terms
as “algebra” and “algorithm”
occurred. In particular, the word
“algorithm”, being a Latin form of
our great scientist’s name, in
mathematical science means strict
instruction for performing certain
operations in certain order allowing to
solve a total of tasks of
certain class. Algebra, theory of
numbers and other branches of
mathematics consider many
different algorithms.
In short, discoveries made by our
compatriot eleven centuries ago are
still urgent today. Algorithms
are the base of cybernetics and are used
in computer development.
An important contribution to
exact sciences is Al-Khorizmi’s
research in geometry, and his
“Arithmetic” manual.
The science founded by
Al-Khorizmi lives, evolves and is being
studied. And in this respect it is
hard to overestimate significance of the
forthcoming symposium where problems of
mathematics and its impact on science
and applications will be discussed.
The talks and contributions
delivered at this symposium will
undoubtedly demonstrate the breadth
and variety of mathematical applications
potential, the enormous significance it
has in solving
problems of scientific and technological
The program of symposium, which
is conducted by Cybernetics Institute of
Uzbek SSR Academy of
sciences with assistance of the
Computing Center of Siberian Branch of
USSR Academy of sciences
and an All-Union “Intourist”
association, is manifold and interesting.
The talks will be delivered and
discussions will be held covering
various aspects of science: a series of
contributions of historical
nature is planned that will be devoted
to Al-Khorizmi and formation periods of
algorithmic notions.
The symposium participants will
also have time to travel around our
region acquainting themselves
with its advances in different areas of
economic and cultural organization, its
new building projects
and remarkable examples of ancient
architecture. They will visit a number
of collective farms and
will be able to see the enthusiasm and
purposefulness of our cotton-growers
gathering the new
The guests will visit ancient
Khiva whose name is inseparably linked
with Al-Khorizmi – the second
largest regional economic center where
hoary antiquity is intricately
intertwined with
They will make sure of how
solicitously and lovingly the people
care for old relics and takes efforts
to preserve anything connected with the
names of our great ancestors, the works
of most gifted
builders, architects, craftsmen.
The region undertook significant
spadework. Everything was done to give
the International
Symposium participants the possibility
to work fruitfully and have interesting
spare time.
We wish our dear guests
successful work and new remarkable
scientific achievements in the name
of peace and progress!