







        December 26, 1969                            N 537                           Novosibirsk


                                                                            On approval of the Organizing Committee

                                                                            and working schedule of the 2-nd All-Union

                                                                            Conference in Programming        



In accordance with the Siberian Branch of USSR AS 1970 Plan of Meetings and
Conferences, Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences


1.      In order to conduct the 2-nd All-Union Conference in Programming (Novosibirsk,
February 3-6, 1970), with 700 non-resident participants and 25 foreign scientists (15
persons from socialist countries and 10 persons from capitalist countries) invited at the
expense of the sending party, to approve the Organizing Committee numbering the
following members:


1.  A.P. Ershov             -  Doctor of Physics and Mathematis (SBAS  

                                        Computing Center) ,Chairman.

2.   G.I. Kozhukhin,      - SBAS Computing Center, Vice-chairman

3.   O.V. Moskalev       - SBAS Computing Center, Vice-chairman

4.  A.A. Bers                - SBAS Computing Center, Secretary

5.   E.N. Ilyina              - SBAS Computing Center, Secretary

6.   G.I. Babetsky          - SBAS Computing Center

7.   I.I. Geyzy                - Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematis (SBAS Presidium      

8.   A.V. Zamulin            - SBAS Computing Center

9.   S.K. Kozhukhina      - SBAS Computing Center

10. L.I. Kotova              - SBAS Computing Center

11. R.D. Mishkovich      - SBAS Computing Center

12. V.V. Pazelsky          - (SBAS Presidium staff)

13. P.A. Khvalin            - SBAS Computing Center

14. I.V. Pottosin            - Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematis (SBAS Computing


2.      To take into consideration that the Program Committee of the 2-nd All-Union
Conference in Programming is approved by the State Interdepartmental Committee on
Computer Software attached to the USSR Council of Ministers’ State Committee on
Science and Technology (Annex 1).

3.      To approve the Conference Program (Annex 2).

4.      To approve invitation of foreign scientists to participate in the Conference (Annex

5.      To entrust the Organizing Committee with reception of the foreign participants of the
Conference. To commission the Foreign Department (V.V. Pazelsky) with assisting
the Organizing Committee in organization of foreign scientists reception.

6.      To commission the House of Scientists Management to carry out a timely preparation
of the conference hall and subsidiary premises in order to secure normal conference

7.      To commission the Joint Department of Production and Operating Services with
assisting in consumer and transport servicing of Soviet and foreign conference

8.      To commission the Medical Department with providing necessary medical assistance
to the conference participants.

9.      To ask the Novosibirsk State University to render the Organizing Committee
assistance in participants accommodation and providing lecture-rooms for sessions.

10.  The Organizing Committee is to tender a report on the Conference conduction to
Foreign and Scientific-Organizational Departments within a month on the Conference      

11.  To entrust the Scientific-Organizational Department (I.I. Sheglov) and the Foreign
Department (V.V. Pazelsky) with supervision of this resolution fulfillment.



The Acting Chairman of the

Siberian Branch of the USSR AS,

Academician                                                                                  A.A. Trofimuk


Deputy of the Chief Scientific Secretary

of the SBAS USSR Presidium,

Ph.D. in Engineering  Sciences                                                     A.K. Romanov       



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