


                                                                To the Chairman of Siberian Branch
                                                                Of the USSR Academy of Science
                                                                        Academician M.A.Lavrentiev

                                    Dear Mikhail Alekseevich!

In accordance with the decision of the USSR SCST Interdepartmental Commission on
Computer Software and Presidium of the AS USSR Siberian Branch, the 2nd All-
Union Conference in Programming will take place in Novosibirsk, February 3 through
6, 1970.

The Computing Center, being in charge with the Conference conduction, finds it
expedient to invite some foreign scientists: 15 persons from socialist countries and 10
persons from capitalist countries.

The expedience of inviting scientist from socialist countries seems obvious since
presently the great extent of works in computer software, especially the ones on the
3rd generation computers development is being carried out jointly with socialist
countries, both within the CMEA scope and on the base of scientific collaboration
agreements between national Academies of Sciences. It is supposed that scientists
from socialist countries will attend the Conference not by personal invitations but at a
sending party discretion within the limits of the proposed participation quota.

As regards to scientists form capitalist countries, we find it advisable to invite leading
specialists known to us from personal contacts, well-disposed towards the Soviet
Union and having manifested their interest in visiting the USSR, and working in the
fields of interest to Soviet science.

Since all presentations and discussions that will take place at the Conference will be
based on open publications, the participation of the foreign scientists will not create
inconvenience in the Conference conduction.

Below is the name list together with short resumes of the scientists supposed to be

Dr. Mike Woodeger, head of Computer Sciences Department of  National Physics
Laboratory (Teddington, Great Britain). The chairman of the IFIP Working group on
programming principles. One of the authors of Algol 60 and Algol 68 languages. Noted
for his works in programming languages and operating systems.

Mr. Paul Armer, director of the Stanford University Computing Center (the USA largest
university computing center), president of the American Federation of Information
Processing Societies. A competent scholar of authority, greatly contributed to evolution of
scientific contacts between Soviet and American scientists in the field of computer
science. Visited the USSR in 1959 as a member of delegation of computer hardware

Prof. John McCarthy, (Stanford University, USA) scientific supervisor of Stanford
Artificial Intelligence Project. World-renowned scientist, a specialist in programming
theory, artificial intelligence and shared computer systems. Visited the USSR more that


Dr. Shigeru Igarashi (Mathematical Institute of University in Kioto), a young Japanese
scientist, recently obtained a number of outstanding results in the theory of formal
transformations in the direction close to to the Soviet school of theoretical programming.

Prof. Louis Bolliet (Grenoble University), a leading French scientist in compiler and
programming languages construction. Widely noted for his works in shared programming
systems development.

Prof. Fritz Bauer (Munich, FRG), director of Munich Higher School Institute of Applied
Mathematics. One of the founders of automatic programming. One of the authors of Algol
60 and Algol 68 languages. Head of the group developing the world first Algol 68
programming system.

Dr. John Cocke (New York, USA), a member of the IBM Scientific-Research Center in
New York - a leading USA specialist in high-quality compiler development.

Prof. Heinz Zemanek (Vienna, Austria),. Vice-president of the International Federation for
Information Processing (IFIP), head of the IBM Research laboratory for the theory of
programming languages. Visited the USSR more that once.

 Dr. Peter Ingerman (Camden, New Jersey, USA). Head of the Programming Languages
Standardization Department of the Radio Corporation of America. A leading specialist in
programming languages standardization. Noted for his works in machine-oriented
programming meta-languages.

In addition, it is planned to invite one French scientist by reference of IRIA (Paris) – a
leading French institution in computer software, being an official partner on the French
side in existing scientific and technological partnership agreement.

Director of the SBAS USSR Computing Center

Academician                                                                   G.I. Marchuk





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