

                From the resolution of the Scientific and Technical Council of Informatics

                                                            April 29, 1986


PRESENT: A.P. Ershov, I.V. Pottosin, A.S. Narinyani, V.N. Kasianov, D.Ya. Levin,
V.A. Nepomniashy, V.E. Itkin, V.A. Evstigneev, G.G. Stepanov, V.K. Sabelfeld, A.V. Zamulin,
A.R. Mullagaliev.


AGENDA ITEM: Account by the head of department of the USSR SBAS Computing Center,
 academician A.P. Ershov and senior researcher V.K. Sabelfeld, Ph.d., of their scientific trip to FRG.



A work of propagandizing advances of Soviet scientists in a section of theoretical programming
related to program transformation and mixed computation was done.

Scientific documents on topical problems of programming were collected – 40 documents
amounting to 2413 pages.

A fundamental agreement was achieved on the possibility of receiving the CIP project program
documentation for carrying out experiments according to the agreed schedule.

A fundamental agreement was achieved on participation of Soviet delegation in the International
Seminar in Mixed Computation at the expense of the receiving party (Danish Computing Center).

A counter-propaganda work was carried out concerning the urgent issues of current state of
international affairs: the negative impact of SDI on international scientific cooperation, the USSR
program of scientific and technical acceleration and, in particular, computerization of school



  1. To consider the scientific and technical assignment for the trip fulfilled and to approve the
    account by A.P. Ershov and V.K. Sabelfeld.

  2. To second the conclusions and proposals contained in the account.

  3. Not to sent the account to VINITI.


Chairman of the Council,

Academician                                                                              A.P. Ershov


Scientific Secretary                                                                    A.R. Mullagaliev


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