Documents associated with Vadim E. Kotov

Article, 27.07.1986
Copy of the telegram, E. Fredkin->A.P. Ershov, 16.01.1974
Report, 20.01.1981
of A.P.Ershov and V.E.Kotov about their travel to the IFIP 80 Congress.
Minutes, 11.06.1984-14.06.1984
of the meeting between Minelectroprom and USSR AS CC specialists
Annotation and program
of the course "Theory of parallel programming"
Memo, G. I. Marchuk->B. A. Ragozin, 15.06.1978
the Chair's recommendations on the program and membership of of post-graduate entrance examination
Presentation, 01.01.1983(?)
Application for A.N. Krylov Prize nomination (hand-written and type-written copies)
Program (handwritten)
of a workshop session
Letter, E.P. Kuznetsov->V. A. Koptyug, 26.06.1990
of the IIS direction to the SB AS Presidium with a petition to award the director of the IIS for his works on the formation of the SBIS unified transputer set and SBIS-based computing systems.
List, 01.05.1975(?)
of foreign participants of the Symposium.
Item 5. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Proposal, 23.05.1978
on the Computing center's researchers' scientific travel to foreign research centers in 1979
Letter, V. E. Kotov->A.P. Ershov, 15.05.1982
Work plans
of senior laboratory assistants V.Kotov, A.Narin'ani and P.Leonov for the 1st quarter of 1964
Decision, 16.11.1973
Item 5. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Order, 01.10.1985-09.10.1985
and extract from the minutes of SB RAS Dept. of Inforatics Scientific and Technical Automated working station for intellectual activity"
Extract, 18.09.1990
Order #1, 02.04.1990
of the IIS director (2 variants) - "I take the responsibilities of the director of the IIS SB AS USSR starting from April 2, 1990." The order defines the structure of the Institute, and elections of the Scientific Council are timed.

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