Documents associated with Mark B. Trakhtenbrot

Item 7. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Extract, 24.12.1982
from the decision of the Computer Center's Council on Informatics
Extract from the minutes, 04.02.1983
of the faculty's staff board meeting
Item 10. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 11. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Report, 24.09.1973
Photograph, 01.11.1973(?)
Celebration of the 15-th anniversary of the department of programming. L.Alabina (Grushetskaya), A.Ershov, M.Trakhtenbrot
Memo, 01.02.1971
Personal plan, 01.10.1974-01.10.1978
Letter (hand-written), F. G. Svetlakova (Fenske)->A.P. Ershov, 17.03.1982
Account of a long bureaucratic epopee in moving F.Svetlakova from a senior engineer to junior researcher position
Photograph, 01.11.1973(?)
Celebration of the 15-th anniversary of the department of programming.
Photograph, 01.11.1978
Celebration of the 20-th anniversary of the department of programming.
Memo, A.P. Ershov->G. I. Marchuk, 18.09.1974
Memo, I.V. Pottosin->G. I. Marchuk..., 20.11.1973(?)
in reply to the memo by M.Schwartzman - four remarks on the essence of the problem, and general belief that all the difficulties arizing during the project implementation can bee overpassed
Allocation plan, 24.09.1974
for the staff of Ershov's and Pottosin's laboratories
Report, M. B. Trakhtenbrot->I.V. Pottosin, 09.11.1972
Note, M. B. Trakhtenbrot->A.P. Ershov, 01.11.1983
Letter, 10.09.1974
Seminar BETA/S-26, 17.09.1971
Seminar BETA/S-27, 30.09.1971

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