Documents associated with Yu. M. Voloshin

Item 15. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 16. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 17. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 22. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 48. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 50. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 87. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Announcement, 22.02.1963-23.02.1963
of the meeting in Moscow on Algol 60 terminology
Appendix ¹ 3, 27.07.1960
to the preliminary specification of the Input language containing examples of procedure definitions
Article, 01.03.1960
"SAPM-20 - an automated programming system for M-20". "Siberian Language" specification; preliminary report (draft)
Article, 08.07.1960-18.07.1960
"Input Language of the automated programming system for M-20 (SAPM-20). Preliminary report". (draft)
Article, 01.08.1960
Input Language of the automated programming system for M-20 (SAPM-20). Preliminary report (handwritten)
Article, 20.08.1960
Input Language of the automated programming system for M-20 (SAPM-20). Preliminary report (typewritten; enclosed is a punchcard with handwritten corrections)
Article, 20.04.1965-24.04.1965
"Programming of operations over multidimensional arrays and complex values in ALPHA-compiler"
Article, 30.12.1961
"Input language for automated programming systems" (draft)
Article, 24.05.1962
"Input language for automated programming systems" (draft)
Article, 01.09.1964(?)
"ALPHA - an automatic programming system" for the "Journal of comp. mathematica and math. physics"
Article, 01.09.1962
"Input language for automated programming systems"
Authors' Abstract
"Input language for the system of automatic programming" publushed in the "Digital Computer Programming"
Bulletin, 06.05.1960
of the First Siberian Language with revisions and add-ins

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