Documents associated with A. F. Rar

Decision, 31.03.1971
of the SBAS Presidium about holding the WG 2.1 meeting in Novosibirsk.
Minutes, 20.02.1981
of the Provisional Commission's meeting (Leningrad, February 1981). There is attached the Conclusion on implementation of the programming system ALGOL 68/LGU for ES EVM computers.
Decision, 03.04.1969
Note, 19.09.1967
Letter, A.P. Ershov->L. M. Dolmatova, 12.01.1976
Letter with attachment, A.P. Ershov->M. A. Korolev, 05.02.1966
on the work of A.F.Rar.
Article, 01.10.1970
on the IFIP Conference "ALGOL 68 Implementation" to be published in the magazine "Kibernetika". A typewritten text.
Working Document, 13.10.1969
Specification of EPSILON language for ARMU
Item 3. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 4. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Paper (draft), 16.03.1970-20.04.1970
Plan of work
Working notes, 15.02.1966(?)
The second version of the language. The typewritten text
Manuscript, 20.05.1966(?)
The technical description of the SIGMA system (the first version). The typewritten text
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->F. L. Bauer, 10.03.1970
request to confirm the invitation to Rar
Translation, Reinsdorn->A.P. Ershov..., 01.12.1982
of the Conference Program Committees invitation to take part in the Conference as invited speaker
Telegram, A.P. Ershov->M. G. Tsuladze, 19.01.1968
Post Card, M. Miyakawa->A.P. Ershov, 20.01.1981
Confirmation of receiving "Algebra i Logika" journals

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