Documents associated with Editorial Office of the newspaper "Za Nauku v Sibiri" ("Nauka v Sibiri")

Item 7. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 10. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 24. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 25. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 27. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Article, 17.12.1964(?)
about the history of ALPHA_compiler creation; the first page is missing
Article, 14.07.1984
"Contribution to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence" about V.M.Matrosov. Published in "Nauka v Sibiri" weekly newspaper
Article, 17.12.1964-31.12.1964
"ALPHA-birth" - an article about ALPHA-compiler for "Za nauku v Sibiri" newspaper
Article, 20.04.2004
"Programming as the second literacy". "Nauka v Sibiri" ¹15, April 2004
Article, 13.03.1986
"START is Starting" - in the "Znanie" Society bulletin "NTR - Problemy i reshenija" ¹ 4, 2-15 June 1985
Article, 20.04.2004
"Ural and Siberian schoolchildren meet in Novosibirsk at school contest in programming". "Nauka v Sibiri", ¹13(2449), April 2004
Article, 26.12.1985
"Great guidance interest"; "Nauka v Sibiri" weekly, 26.12.1985 (handwritten, typewritten and printed copies)
Article, 29.01.1987
Article, 18.04.2001
"In memory of Acad. Andrei Ershov". "Nauka v Sibiri", ¹ 16, 2001
Article, 11.02.1997
"Give way to the young!". "Nauka v Sibiri", ¹ 6, Feb. 1997
Article, 15.10.1994(?)
"Acad. A.P. Ershov Memorial Library: New Possibilities". "Nauka v Sibiri", ¹ 19, May 1994
Article, 15.05.1994(?)
"Local network in operation". "Nauka v Sibiri", ¹ 19, ìàé 1994
Article, 25.02.1982
Article, 25.02.1982
Article, 30.06.1988

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