Documents associated with V. D. Kudrin

Decision, 01.11.1972
Character reference, 02.08.1967
in connection with the trip to Mexico in October of 1967 for participation in the IFIP conference
Character reference, 01.01.1964
in connection with the trip to Austria for participation in the IFIP Algol Working Group meeting as the USSR representative and for participation in the IFIP Symposium; the trip to France to the conference held by the B. Pascal Institute and for studying the works in programming at the Gumbolt Center of the University of Grenoble
Character reference, 01.02.1966
Comment to the document for the visit to Poland with the object of participating in IFIP body meetings as the USSR representative
Minutes, 21.10.1963
Letter, 09.07.1966(?)
Letter, V. D. Kudrin->Organizing Committee, 02.08.1966

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