Documents associated with Dmitri A. Koryagin

Session V
I.B.Zadykhailo et al:"OS IPM for BESM-6"; I.A. Bakharev et al: "OS IPM supervisor"; I.B. Zadykhailo et al: "OS IPM monitor"; B.A. Abel'masov et al: "External memory management in OS IPM"; A.A. Eltarenko et al: " Task and process management in OS IPM"; I.A. Bakharev et al: "Teletype management and debugging in OS IPM"; A.I. Iliushin, G.P. Khovanskaya: "OS IPM archive"
Report, 07.04.1978
on the work of the Seminar
Decision, 20.05.1984
on D.A. Koryagin's doctoral dissertation
Letter, E. Z. Lyubimsky->A.P. Ershov, 22.04.1968
Letter, V. M. Kurochkin ->Y.I. Shokin..., 12.11.1992
Analysis of activities and prospects of the Institute of Informatics Systems. The authors consider it inexpedient to merge the Institute with any other SBRAS institution, and are sure of the necessity of its existence as independent academic institution. The letter is signed by 15 persons
Conclusion, 20.05.1984
Review, 05.06.1984
Letter, A.P. Ershov->D. A. Koryagin, 19.12.1979
Letter (hand-written), E. Z. Lyubimsky->A.P. Ershov, 16.02.1978
organizational issues concerning D.Levin's dissertation; on the author's planned presentations at the conference in Novosibirsk
"OS IPM monitor"
"OS IPM supervisor"
"External storage management in OS IPM"

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