Documents associated with Warren J. Erikson

Letter on a Form with Attachment, 08.04.1968
Chris. Shaw is enclosing a copy of Brooker's comments on the Fujino paper (in Attachment), and asks Professor Ershov to be the responsible editor for Erickson's contribution.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Ch. J. Shaw, 08.05.1968
The author didn't receive a paper by Erickson and waits for it.
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->A.P. Ershov, 04.06.1968
The author apologizes for the delay in sending the copy of Dr.Erickson's paper. The paper must be approved by SDC security office. With the precedent established, things should go much faster in the future.
Letter, W.J.Erikson->Ch. J. Shaw, 24.06.1968
The author tells how much time ("a devil of a time") he spent for trimming down his report. If this is still too bulky for publication, he is ready to receive "an impartial judgement".
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Ch. J. Shaw, 11.09.1968
As responsible editor, the author has decided against publication of Erikson's paper in the Annual Review. Moreover, he earnestly recommends to publish the article of Lucas and Walk.

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