Documents associated with Evzen Kindler

Letter, Ch. J. Shaw->E.Kindler, 12.06.1967
Author approves of the addressee's topic and suggests to send him one copy of the paper, which he would duplicate and distribute to each of the editors. If the paper was not reviewed and accepted in time, it could be published in the next volume.
Letter with Attachment, E.Kindler->Ch. J. Shaw, 25.04.1967
Enclosed the author sends an abstract of the paper that he would like to present for a consideration of editors.
Letter on a Form, 15.09.1967
C.Shaw sends to all the members the last materials for the forthcoming volume 5 of the Review and begins to prepare the next volume. He suggests to enlarge the Editorial Board by one or two European members.
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->E.Kindler, 25.01.1968
The author thanks for the addressee's contribution. He distributes copies of the article to other members of the Editorial Board. After reviewing the paper editors will say their decision as to its publishability ASAP.
Covering Letter on a Form, E.Kindler->Ch. J. Shaw, 12.01.1968
The author sends his paper for a publication in Annual Review, asks to duplicate it.
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->A.P. Ershov, 25.01.1968
C.Shaw is enclosing a copy of a paper by E.Kindler and asks A.Ershov to send his comments on this paper to Mr. Inada as a responsible editor for this contribution. The author is enrolling A.Ershov as a member of SIGPLAN and suggests him to pay the $6 dues when he renews his ACM membership.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->N.Inada, 05.03.1968
The author has no comments to Kindler's paper and leaves it up to the addressee to make a decision.
Letter on a Form, 07.03.1968
The author sends copies of three just-received contributions to ARAP Volume 6, informs on editorial responsibility for deciding on the publishability for each of the papers.
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->E.Kindler, 22.08.1968
The author is taking steps to expedite the decision about the addressee's paper and he hopes it will be done in a couple of weeks.
Letter on a Form, E.Kindler->Ch. J. Shaw, 19.07.1968
The author wants to know about a decision on his paper.
Letter on a Form with Attachment, Ch. J. Shaw->E.Kindler, 09.09.1968
The author is sorry to say that the addressee's article would not be appropriate for publication in the Annual Review. The reviewer's comments are attached.

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