Documents associated with Yuli L. Ketkov

Session V
I.B.Zadykhailo et al:"OS IPM for BESM-6"; I.A. Bakharev et al: "OS IPM supervisor"; I.B. Zadykhailo et al: "OS IPM monitor"; B.A. Abel'masov et al: "External memory management in OS IPM"; A.A. Eltarenko et al: " Task and process management in OS IPM"; I.A. Bakharev et al: "Teletype management and debugging in OS IPM"; A.I. Iliushin, G.P. Khovanskaya: "OS IPM archive"
Letter, A.P. Ershov->Yu. L. Ketkov, 10.02.1972
Covering note, Yu. L. Ketkov->A.P. Ershov, 21.01.1969
to the review
Questionnaire, 01.01.1970
Letter, Yu. L. Ketkov->A.P. Ershov, 31.01.1972
Data on the batch processing system operation using BASIL as input language; where the material can be published; does SBAS Computer Center need a BASIC system.
Review, 01.09.1966
Item 79. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 80. (Name does not exist in this language.)
"OS IPM monitor"
"Task and process management in OS IPM"
Letter, 23.04.1975
Request for participation in the Symposium of programmers from the Research Institute of the Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics at the Gorky University.
Letter, Yu. L. Ketkov->A.P. Ershov, 22.07.1975
The author thanks for being invited to the Symposium and accepts the invitation.

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