Documents associated with Lloyd D. Fosdick

Letter, J. M. Bennett->M. Paul, 27.04.1979
of IFIP Trustee to the TC-2 Chairman concerning current problems of the Committee and its interaction with TC-2, ISO and North-Holland Publishing House (doc. "Venice-2").
Information, 01.08.1977
A geographical distribution of invitees for the WG 2.5 meeting (December 1978).
Information, 29.07.1977
on WG2.5 IFIP Working Conference (December 11-15, 1978, Baden, Austria): Committees and Budget.
Letter with Attachments, L. D. Fostick->M. Paul, 29.11.1978
Covering letter for author's correspondence with North-Holland company and this correspondence itself. The author presents also in his letter a view on the present publication arrangements as well as some recomendations to be considered with TC-2. (Doc. "Baden-21".)
Report, 01.08.1977
of Working Group on Numerical Software (WG 2.5) to Technical Committee on Programming (TC-2).
Curriculum Vitae, 06.04.1987(?)
of two scientists. (Doc. "St.Pierre-21".)
Abstract of the paper, 15.07.1974(?)
"The Analysis of Data Flow in FORTRAN Programs".

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