Documents associated with Louis Bolliet

Drawing, 13.11.1966
of L.Bolliet's house interior
Proposals, 25.04.1967(?)
Letter on a Form, L. Bolliet->Ch. J. Shaw, 10.01.1967
L.Bolliet thanks C.J.Shaw for the letter of December,2 and adopts the suggestion to become a member of the Editorial Board. He asks about an opportunity of meeting during his visit the USA in March, 13 to 18.
Schedule, 09.11.1966
of Ershov's visit to Paris
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->L. Bolliet, 01.02.1967
Reply to the letter of January 10. Author will keep L.Bolliet informed of "Annual Review" progress. He will arrange L.Bolliet visit SDC and asks him to prepare informal lecture on his work or on other topic.
Information, 01.02.1967
on the Editorial Board of "Annual Review" in 1964. Professor Andrei P. Ershov was a member of this Editorial Board.
Item 4. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, L. Bolliet->A.P. Ershov, 17.01.1967
expressing interest in the possibility of exchanging researches discussed during Ershov's visit to Grenoble
Letter, J.-L. Lions->A.P. Ershov, 04.02.1975
Letter, A.P. Ershov->L. Bolliet, 26.04.1971
suggesting several variants for the visit to Novosibirsk
Letter, L. Bolliet->A.P. Ershov, 21.01.1975
Annotation, 15.03.1964
Foreign Scientist's Record Card
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->R. W. Floyd, 13.03.1967
Author sends a copy of Sanderson's paper to R.W.Floyd to review it by the middle of April. He plans to be at the Conference in Atlantic City and if Floyd will be there they can meet.
Letter, 14.03.1967
C.Shaw suggests to all members of Editorial Board to discuss an important policy question regarding publication of previously published material.
Card, L. Bolliet->A.P. Ershov, 01.02.1972
with warmnt regards.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->M. Halpern, 28.03.1967
Author constructively criticizes Mr.Bemer's article which is "for the most part devoted to the political history of ALGOL in the USA rather than the scientific history of ALGOL in the computational world" as well as expresses his opinion about papers of Brown and Sanderson.
Letter, I.V. Pottosin->A.P. Ershov, 22.02.1971
The author states his requests and conveys greetings from French clleagues
Letter, L. Bolliet->o the members of IFIP WG 2.1..., 15.02.1968
Letter on a Form, M. Halpern->P. Lucas, 24.04.1967
Author approves of the topic of the paper and asks to send the finished paper by July 1. To speed the editorial machinery, addressees can send the paper copies to each of the members of the Editorial Board.

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