Documents associated with Gregory R. Andrews

Bimonthly lists, 17.03.1987
Bimonthly lists, 11.11.1987
Bimonthly lists, 22.12.1987
Bimonthly lists, 04.07.1988
Bimonthly lists, 03.05.1988
List, 14.01.1988
Letter on a Form with Attachment, A.G.Akritas->A.P. Ershov, 07.01.1987
The author asks to review his article "A new method for computing polynomial greatest common divisors" for a possible publication in IPL. He tells that his article was unreasonably rejected by the editor David Gries. The letter from the editor is attached.
Letter, G. R. Andrews->W. Dijkhuis, 20.07.1982
Letter, D. Gries->W. Dijkhuis, 10.08.1982
Letter with attachment, H. Gerbrandy->A.P. Ershov, 11.11.1987
Letter, G. R. Andrews->A. Sevenster, 28.01.1988
Letter, A. Sevenster->A.P. Ershov, 29.04.1988

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