Documents associated with L. L. Zmiyevskaya

Requirements specification, 15.03.1982-29.06.1982
for the application package "Preparation of book editions for photo-typesetting on ES computers (SAPPHIRE)"
Direction, V. A. Koptyug->A.P. Ershov, 08.05.1982
on holding a Workshop "Computer application in preparation of printed production".
Letter, 18.03.1978
Request to submit proposals on collaboration on subject 1.8.6. by 22 March 1978
on the work of L.L.Zmievskaya.
Editor's foreword, 30.08.1969
to the book (handwritten and typewritten).
List, 06.09.1969
of developers responsible for compiler blocks development
Paper, 26.03.1970
Report, 20.02.1972(?)
List, 01.06.1969(?)
Memo, A.P. Ershov->G. I. Marchuk, 16.05.1979
on some re-appointments of regular staff members of the laboratory of experimental informatics
Business trips plan, 09.07.1965
for the 2nd half year of 1965
Item 2. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Handwritten report, 10.09.1967
Outline of BETA language features
Reminiscences, 10.01.1978
of the 1978 New Year party at TBK Club in Akademgorodok
Letter, L.L. Zmiyevskaya->A.P. Ershov..., 09.02.1961
Report on functioning of the matrix inverting program.
Letter, L.L. Zmiyevskaya->A.P. Ershov..., 23.02.1961
Report on the problems with execution of the matrix inverting program through computer's fault.
Reports, 03.02.1963
on the problems of memory cells and constants packing; on graph coloring and operator scheme construction
Congratulation, A. S. Narin'yany ->A.P. Ershov..., 18.04.1981
from Novosibirsk colleagues, "coffee-clubbers". (With a hand-written Ershov's explanatory remark addressed to his mother. The list of authors does not contain persons not identified by their signatures.)
Typewritten report, 10.09.1967
Outline of BETA language features
PL/1 dialect, 25.03.1974
to be used as an input language in BETA trial implementation (project)

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