Documents associated with Vladimir N. Malyukh

carried out as part of the 10th Anniversary of the IIS SB RAS. Topics: 1. Problems of education and teaching, in particular, in universities; 2. organization of cooperation between companies and educational institutions /blackpaper and edited versions of the recording/
Articles, 29.03.2000(?)
Three articles from the "Science in Siberia" (#13, March 2000) in the "Anniversary of the Institute" column. The first briefly tells about the Institute of Informatics Systems, which is celebrating its tenth Anniversary, and about the celebration programme. The second one, called "Keeping to wise principles" by A. Marchuk, is also devoted to this remarkable event in the life of the Institute. The third one, "A. Ershov electronic archive", by Natalia Cheremnykh and Irina Kraineva, tells about Andrei Ershov and the project aimed at creating a digital archive named after him.
Article, 11.02.1997
"Give way to the young!". "Nauka v Sibiri", ¹ 6, Feb. 1997
Trade Union Membership Card, 18.02.1991
Photograph, 01.02.1997(?)
of I. bakhtin, V. Maliukh, and A. Nikitin for the article "Give way to the young!". ("Nauka v Sibiri", ¹ 6, 1997)
Article, 13.02.2005

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