Documents associated with Boris L. Tolstykh

Decision, 11.04.1988
on testing the MARS prototype system developed by START
Letter, V. A. Koptyug->B. L. Tolstykh, 18.10.1988
Decision, 23.02.1987
Project of the letter
Test report, 14.05.1988
on MARS prototype system
Report, 28.10.1988
of the State Commission to the Party Central Committee on the START results in creation of a domestic new generation computer with AI features
Letter, V. A. Koptyug->B. L. Tolstykh, 10.08.1988
on awarding bonuses to START staff members
Diploma, 01.10.1988
awarded to the most distinguished members of VNTK START project
Decision, 13.08.1987

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