Documents associated with V. F. Pogrebnyak

Extract, 17.05.1988
from the minutes of the meeting of team-leaders on the principles of bonuses distribution
Chart, 25.01.1995(?)
Extract, 14.06.1988
from the minutes of the meeting of team-leaders committee and System Informatics council on distribution of the final bonus
Minutes, 06.06.1988
of the meeting of E.I. Eliner's team on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Minutes, 07.06.1988
of the meeting of the BARS team on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Minutes ¹1, 17.01.1995
Minutes, 14.06.1988
of the meeting of the CAD systems team on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Minutes, 15.06.1988
of the meeting of V.N. Okunishnikov's team on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Minutes ¹18, 05.03.1991
Letter, E.P. Kuznetsov->S. I. Suvorova..., 18.09.1991
on the payment for lessons for the IIS employees in the Health Groups in the SB AS House of Scientists
List, 02.01.1991
of works of special importance, performing which may justify additions to officical salaries in 1991 (2 variants, one of them in 2 copies)
Minutes ¹1, 22.02.1994
Minutes, 20.06.1988
of the meeting of the OS team on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Minutes, 21.06.1988
of the meeting of A.G. Marchuk's team on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Minutes ¹22, 24.04.1991
Minutes, 21.06.1988
of the meeting of Yu.L. Vishnevsky's team on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Minutes, 27.06.1988
of the meeting of A.S. Narinyani's and D.Ya. Levin's teams on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Order #7, 01.12.1992
of the IIS director on the formation of the program-technical complex research group
Minutes ¹5, 14.02.1995
Minutes, 20.06.1988
of the meeting of A.F. Puzanov's team on the subject of the final bonus distribution

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