Documents associated with Albert F. Puzanov

Order, 20.02.1992
of the acting director of the IIS assigning research topics to the Institute subdivisions
Technical Task, 27.09.1988
Orders #2 and #3, 05.04.1990
of the IIS director assigning research topics to Institute subdivisions
List, 02.01.1991
of works of special importance, performing which may justify additions to officical salaries in 1991 (2 variants, one of them in 2 copies)
Minutes, 20.06.1988
of the meeting of A.F. Puzanov's team on the subject of the final bonus distribution
Trade Union Membership Card, 06.06.1985
Letter, A. N. Konovalov->Yu. V. Metlyaev..., 24.12.1985

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