Documents associated with Nikita N. Obraztsov

Notification, N. N. Obraztsov->A.P. Ershov, 22.03.1983
of the seminar on the problems of automated and information systems of information processing (Apr. 21, 1979), where Ershov is to give a talk "The problem of forming a unified approach to the program construction process" (with Ershov's hand-written remark: "Attended; done"
Report, 22.09.1978
on the trip to Netherlands for participation in the first PC meeting.
Letter, I. I. Geitsi ->A. S. Alekseev, 26.04.1977
Request to give instructions to all executors of the coordinating plan on automatic control systems problems to submit by the 15th of May to the SBAS Presidium annual plans for 1977 (specifying concrete research subject matter)
Letter with Attachment, 17.04.1980
Covering letter for the Report of A.P.Ershov on his participation in the third PC meeting, and this Report itself.
Letter, V. E. Kotov->N. N. Obraztsov..., 24.08.1990
asking for assistance in the preparation of documents for the trip of three IIS employees on the invitation of the swedish company SWI for cooperative research
Item 8. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Remarks, N. N. Obraztsov->L. A. Kotel'nikova, 18.01.1978
to the subject plan of the Soviet-German scientific collaboration for 1981-85 (accounting the GDR AS suggestions)
Item 13. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Item 15. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Note, N. N. Obraztsov->A.P. Ershov, 14.06.1978
Direction, 21.02.1980

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