Documents associated with George Glaser

Letter (copy), R. E. A. Mason->G. Glaser, 13.04.1988
on election of the IFIP/WG-2 and IFIP/TC-2 chairmen
Letter, R. E. A. Mason->H. LeRoux, 02.02.1987
on TC 2 publication special requests concerning particularly publication of works of the Conference on Functional Programming (Portland, Oregon, Sept. 1987). (Doc. "St.Pierre-2".)
Letters and Materials, R. E. A. Mason->G. Glaser, 04.11.1986-23.03.1987
concerning organization of the Conference on Functional Programming. (Doc. St.Pierre-29".)
Letters and Materials, 04.11.1986-23.03.1987
on Workshop "Partial and Mixed Computation". (Doc. "St.Pierre-32".)
Letter, A..A. Verrijn-Stuart->G. Glaser, 27.01.1987
proposing to organize IFIP bodies on Artificial Intelligence. (Doc. "St.Pierre-33".)
Covering letter with attachment, G. Glaser->, 20.12.1969
"The Computer and the Corporation - The Role of Human Behavior" by G.Glaser, J.R.Katzenhach.

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