Documents associated with E.F. Falkenberg

Letter on a Form, G. M. Nijssen->T. B. Steel, Jr., 06.01.1976
The Chairman of WG 2.6 G.M.Nijssen sends a report on a Group work during the period: September 1, 1975 - January 1, 1976.
Letter with Attachment, 27.05.1982
Chairman of WG 2.6 G.M.Nijssen nominates Dr. E.F.Falkenberg as secretary of the Group and as his proxy at the 29th TC 2 meeting. (Doc. "Garmisch-8".) There is attached the Report to the TC 2 meeting on activities of WG 2.6 (doc. "Garmisch-9").
Letters, G. M. Nijssen->M. Paul, 30.05.1983(?)
The chairman of WG 2.6 resigns and proposes the person of his successor. (Doc. "Baden-14".) The latter is nominated as representative of WG 2.6 in the TC-2 meeting. The secretary of the WG resigns also.

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