Documents associated with Galina V. Kurlyandchik

Articles, 19.05.1991
in "Nauka v Sibiri", ¹ 19, May 1991: "Perspectives of System Informatics" and "A.P. Ershov Library"
Notes, A.P. Ershov->G.V. Kurlyandchik
Memo, V.I. Konstantinov->I.V. Pottosin
Allocation plan, 24.09.1974
for the staff of Ershov's and Pottosin's laboratories
Article (in Russian), 01.01.1992-30.04.1992
"The Book of his Life" (dedicated to A. Ershov), "Nauka v Rossii", ¹ 1-2, Jan.-Apr. 1992
Article (in English), 01.03.1992-30.06.1992
"The Book of his Life" (dedicated to A. Ershov), "Science in Russia", ¹ 2-3, March-June 1992
Letter, A.P. Ershov->V. E. Kotov, 22.07.1974
In reply to the letter of June 6. Acount of the department's news, and of the author's plans
Letter, G.V. Kurlyandchik->E. Z. Lyubimsky, 22.01.1980
On the instructions of A.Ershov the author asks to send some preprints published by the addressee's institute.
Covering Letter, G.V. Kurlyandchik->E. L. Yuschenko, 17.01.1978
On the instructions of A.Ershov the part of the IFIP publications is sent.

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