Documents associated with Friedrich R. Hertweck

Letter, 07.04.1982
to the members of WG 2.7 concerning the next chairman of the Group. (Document of the 29th meeting of TC 2, marked as "Garmisch-11".)
Letter, M. Paul->A.P. Ershov, 10.07.1981
to the members of Technical Committee 2 of IFIP with request for a mail ballot on invitation list of the Working Conference "Command Language and Related Interfaces" and for further personal recommendations. The copy adressed to A.P.Ershov.
Letter with Attachment, F. R. Hertweck->T. B. Steel, Jr., 15.12.1975
Prof. Hertweck regrets not to be able to participate in the TC-2 meeting in Freudenstadt and proposes the list of WG 2.7 members for the TC-2 disposal.
Letter with Attachments, 21.11.1980
Information on the Working Conference "Program Language and Related Interfaces". There are attached a form for participation and a preliminary invitation list. Submitted to the 27th TC 2 meeting. (Doc. "Brussels-12".)
Letter, J. McKehan->A.P. Ershov, 29.09.1978
Program chairman of WG 2.7 Working Conference invites A.Ershov to attend a conference in Berchtesgaden, Germany September 10-14, 1979.
Letter, 10.07.1981
to the members of Technical Committee 2 of IFIP with request for a mail ballot on invitation list of the Working Conference "Command Language and Related Interfaces" and for further personal recommendations. From the documents of TC 2 Dijon meeting. (Doc. "Dijon-16".)
Letter, M. Paul->A.P. Ershov, 21.05.1976
informing A.P.Ershov that he is on the list of proposed members of a newly established WG 2.7 on Operating System Interfaces.
Letter, M. Paul->A.P. Ershov, 22.06.1976
regarding Ershov's membership in IFIP/WG 2.7.
Telegram, 05.02.1980
Being to a hospital stay F.Hartweck was not able to referee the paper.
Letter with attacnment, F. R. Hertweck->A.P. Ershov, 01.09.1975

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