Documents associated with Michael Griffiths

Letter, F. L. Bauer ->G. I. Marchuk, 20.08.1976
Copy of the letter, M. Griffiths->Ch. J. Shaw, 03.01.1968
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->M. Griffiths, 20.12.1967
The author thanks for the copy of the addressee's paper and asks the addressee if his paper is intending for publication in the Annual Review or not.
Letter on a Form, M. Griffiths->Ch. J. Shaw, 14.12.1967
The author sends his article to an addressee following the Dr.Bolliet's advice.
Letter on a Form with Attachment, 21.12.1967
Christopher Shaw reports to members of the Editorial Board that ARAP Volume 5 has received its first excellent critical mention. He hopes that Volume 5 will be out by spring or early summer of 1968. A copy of the articles' list for the Volume 6 is attached.
Letter on a Form, Ch. J. Shaw->A.P. Ershov, 25.01.1968
C.Shaw is enclosing a copy of a paper by E.Kindler and asks A.Ershov to send his comments on this paper to Mr. Inada as a responsible editor for this contribution. The author is enrolling A.Ershov as a member of SIGPLAN and suggests him to pay the $6 dues when he renews his ACM membership.
Letter on a Form with Attachment, 04.05.1971
M.Halpern discusses results of the last few months, personnel changes in the Editorial Board, a preparing of the volume 7. There is a handwritten request to A.Ershov about getting papers for volume 7. The Attachment contains Royalty Statement from Pergamon Press and a list of contributions for volume 7&later.
Letter on a Form with Attachment, 18.07.1972
The letter is addressed to all the editors of the Annual Review which should have received a copy of Volume 7, part 1. The status of contributions to the Review for Volume 7 & later (in an Attachment) is discussed.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->M. Griffiths, 28.12.1967
Letter, M. Griffiths->A.P. Ershov, 14.12.1967
Letter, F. L. Bauer ->A.P. Ershov, 18.12.1974
"An incremental and interactive Algol Compiler" by M.Peccoud, M.Griffiths, M.Peltier.

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