Documents associated with Leonid Fiodorovich Belous

Notebook, 06.10.1983-10.10.1983
notes made during the School on Mixed Computation
Letter, A.P. Ershov->L. F. Belous, 27.01.1972
Letter, I. R. Akselrod->A.P. Ershov..., 18.01.1972
Request to take part in discussion or to make a talk at the conference on the projects in analytical transformations using digital computers and adjoining matters.
Session N
A.P.Ershov et al: "AIST-0 - an experimantal time-sharing system"; G.I.Babetskiy et al: "Dispatcher for AIST-0 system"; M.M.Bezhanova: "TENZOR system program"; Konozenko, mashbitz, Nikitin: "An OS for dialog debugging on Dnepr-21 computer"; I.Akselrod, L.Belous: "On execution of analytic transformations in the conversational-programming system SIRIUS"; Y.Krasilov: "Character printer-based system for information dieplay"; Gorbunov et al: "RND language"; B.Kalashnik: "Automatic editor for Algol programs"
Letter, I. R. Akselrod->A.P. Ershov..., 01.05.1970
The authors gladly support the idea of cooperation and suggest the dates of their visit to Novosibirsk to solve arising questions
"On execution of analytic transformations in the conversational-programming system SIRIUS"
Letter, I. R. Akselrod->A.P. Ershov..., 22.05.1970
The authors notiify Ershov of their intention to present dissertations, give their short summary, and ask him to be their official opponent
Covering letter, I. R. Akselrod->A.P. Ershov..., 11.11.1969
to specification of the input language of SIRIUS - a system for conversational programming. Request for remarks
Questionnaire, 01.01.1970

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