Documents associated with Sergey Vitalievich Tsukasov

Decision (copy), 03.03.1978
of the meeting of the representatives of "Pravda" editors, "Pravda" publishers, and the SBAS Computing Center on the problems of DPS "Pravda" creation
Requirements specification, 03.10.1979
for the research and development of the first stage of central computer system software for DPS RUBIN
Decision, 03.03.1978
of the meeting of the representatives of "Pravda" editors, "Pravda" publishers, and the SBAS Computing Center on the problems of DPS "Pravda" creation
Extract from the minutes, 08.02.1979
of the meeting of the "Pravda" editorial board approving the RUBIN line of development and the General Plan draft; recommendation for the publishers to set up a contract with the Computing Center for 1975-1985
Decision, 05.07.1978(?)
of the technical meeting that discussed the theses for the General plan of the RUBIN data-processing system development
Minutes, 06.12.1978
of consideration of the General plan of the RUBIN data-processing system development
Report, A. A. Baehrs->G. I. Marchuk, 20.06.1978
on the contacts and talks during the business trip to Moscow

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