Documents associated with Anastasiya Konstantinovna Bagina

Letter, I. I. Geitsi ->A. K. Bagina..., 31.03.1971
Reqiest to authorize takin out the paper submitted to the IFIP 71 Congress
Letter, A.P. Ershov->A. K. Bagina, 18.11.1969
about VKP-2 Proceedings publication
Letter, V. P. Kochergin->A. K. Bagina, 01.08.1972(?)
Letter, 15.03.1971(?)
Letter, G. I. Marchuk->A. K. Bagina, 16.03.1967(?)
Letter, M. A. Lavrentiev->A. K. Bagina, 09.04.1968
Letter, A. A. Trofimuk->A. K. Bagina..., 12.11.1969
Letter, A. K. Romanov->A. K. Bagina, 30.04.1970

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