Documents associated with Janni Nielsen

Letter, A.P. Ershov->J. Nielsen, 05.07.1988
The author informs of the address and phones of his assistant in Moscow, who will arrange for the addressee meetings with colleagues in Moscow and Leningrad.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->J. Nielsen, 05.07.1988
Answering to the letter of 03.03.88, the author readdresses to Dr. Boris Berenfeld who will help to arrange a meeting with colleagues in Moscow and Leningrad which have similar interests. (Handwritten text)
Letter on a Form, J. Nielsen->A.P. Ershov, 03.03.1988
The author is a psychologist and has been doing research on children and computers in public schools. He wants to visit Leningrad and Moscow in the autumn and asks the addressee to help with fellow scientists contacts.

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