Documents associated with Bernard A. Galler

Letter, A. C. Oettinger->A.P. Ershov, 04.01.1967
An official invitation to serve as an ACM lecturer while visiting the US
Letter, B. A. Galler->A.P. Ershov, 01.12.1972
Letter, A.P. Ershov->A. C. Oettinger, 06.02.1967
Letter, B. A. Galler->A.P. Ershov, 26.07.1961
Letter, A.P. Ershov->R. Abaidullin, 03.04.1974
Letter on a Form, B. A. Galler->A.P. Ershov, 28.10.1982
The author asks to send a copy of a russian translation of a book "High-Speed Computing Devices" to Prof. Arnold Cohen for the Wilson Library. They would welcome material on the development of computers in the USSR to their journal "Annals of the History of Computing".
Note, 06.03.1970
Letter, A.P. Ershov->B. A. Galler, 20.05.1971
thanks for the received documents; request to send several papers for V.E. Kotov
Letter, I. C. Pyle->B. A. Galler, 04.11.1966
Letter with attachment, J. Minker->A.P. Ershov, 26.06.1979
Letter, A.P. Ershov->B. A. Galler, 28.11.1983
with the requested information about Dr. B.I. Rameev
Letter, A.P. Ershov->G. E. Forsythe, 31.07.1970
initial requests concerning organization of A.P. Ershov’s trip to the USA in 1970
Letter, A.P. Ershov->E. A. Feigenbaum, 29.03.1967
Letter, A.P. Ershov->B. A. Galler, 29.03.1967
Copy of the letter, B. Randell->W. L. van der Poel, 13.04.1967
received by Ershov as a member of the IFIP WG2.1. Discussed is the Amsterdam meeting Draft Agenda in view of the letter of April 13
Letter, B. A. Galler->A.P. Ershov, 03.10.1983
Memorandum, B. A. Galler->A.P. Ershov, 28.04.1969
To assist consideration of the questions submitted for voting, these pages contain the history, pro and con statements for each question.
Letter, A.P. Ershov->B. A. Galler, 22.12.1969
request for confirmation of consent to receive A.P. Ershov in the USA at the 2nd quarter of 1970
Letter, S. C. Kleene ->A.P. Ershov, 28.09.1981
Notification of receiving permission for publication of the paper published in the "Annals of the History of Computing"; a copy of the paper is enclosed
Copy of Letter, B. A. Galler->B. I. Rameev, 23.12.1983
addressed to B.Rameev with a request to write an article for "Annals of the History of Computing" based on his experience with early USSR computers.

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