Documents associated with Remy Genton

Letter, A.P. Ershov->R. Genton, 24.05.1982
in reply to the letter of May 10: Ershov expresses his interest in visiting the Symposium and specifies the dates of possible trip to France (handwritten and typewritten copies)
Letter with attachment, R. Genton->A.P. Ershov, 10.05.1982
Invitation to the first European Symposium on Office Automation; enclosed is information leaflet about the Institut Remy Genton
Detailed Program, 28.06.1982
of The first European Simposium of Office Automation. (Paris, September 24th, 1982)
Letter, R. Genton->A.P. Ershov, 28.06.1982
Remy Genton invited A.Ershov to participate in the first European Simposium of Office Automation.

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