Documents associated with Arkady Ivanovich Chernyi

Article, 01.11.1977
"Research in informatics in the USSR(1968-1977)" by A.Mikhailov, A.Chernov, and R.Gilyarevsky, published in VINITI bulletin "Scientific and technical information" ¹11-12
Covering Letter, A. S. Alekseev->A.I. Chernyi, 14.08.1976
Letter, A.P. Ershov->A.I. Chernyi, 30.07.1986
A request to help to receive the dictionary "Russian-English abbreviations on Informatics"; M., VCP, 1985.
Letter, A.I. Chernyi->A.P. Ershov, 28.03.1978

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