Documents associated with Peter N. Fedoseev

Decision, 22.01.1988
Information, 16.03.1988
Decision, 08.04.1976
Letter, P. N. Fedoseev->A.P. Ershov, 12.05.1988
Information, 01.03.1985(?)
Item 5. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Direction, 27.09.1985
Decision, P. N. Fedoseev->A.P. Ershov, 25.06.1986
Item 6. (Name does not exist in this language.)
Letter, J. Carr III->A.P. Ershov, 15.01.1962
The author tells about the planned 6-week course of computer sciences for university professors and invites Ershov to read a series of lectures on principles of automated programming
Agenda, 02.03.1977
Information, 27.11.1975
Invitation, 08.03.1988
Decision, 29.10.1986
Invitation, 19.03.1986-21.03.1986
Extract, 16.01.1976
Speech, 01.03.1983
Direction, 14.04.1988
Telegram, V. A. Cheverda->P. N. Fedoseev, 20.05.1986(?)
In connection with the forthcoming science conference is it necessary to recall A.Ershov from the leave?
Direction, 29.09.1976

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